I’m an award-winning beer book author, blogger and craft beer and soda brewery founder. In a career spanning more than 20 years I’ve been privileged to play my part in the craft drinks revolution – meeting some amazing people and brewing some crazy drinks along the way.

But things changed forever for me in 2015-16 when I was diagnosed with burn-out. Suddenly from having 100 balls in the air for years I started dropping some, and very quickly I couldn’t catch any of them at all.

After a much-needed time out and treatment I came to the realisation that this could actually be one of the best things to ever happen to me.  Because burn-out forces you to take a long hard look at your life and reassess what’s really important. And perhaps more importantly what’s not.

Living with burn-out isn’t easy, but if it’s taught me one thing it’s that I’m going to start doing more of the stuff I love doing and less of the stuff I don’t.

Like this blog – my own personal dose of cyber therapy. An unapologetically opinionated place where mental health and craft beer collide. A space where I can take photos and tell stories about amazing drinks and the passionate people behind them. And occasionally cast a little light on the dark shadows of mental health. It’s my version of mindfulness. Only I call it beerfulness.

All photos and words are my own. If I accept samples or payment of any kind you’ll know about it. I won’t be featuring anything here I don’t believe in. That’s just bad beer karma.

Follow my journey to become one of Europe’s leading social media beer influencers over at Instagram or search for me @theburntoutbeerguy.

Be well!
The Burnt Out Beer Guy.